Interview with an Amberite

"As if I truly needed introduction... but, let me not be accused of poor hospitality or ill-bred manners. Please, you seem weary, I bid you sit and rest. Oh no, take that chair by the fire, it is far more comfortable and unlike this one, does not sit on such a threadbare old rug which will do nothing to keep this draft from your feet. Wine, perhaps? A smoke?"
"There, much more pleasant, is it not? I see in your face you have many questions. Patience, all things in their time. Time and emphasis, accent and stress... let us wander the byways of philosphy and consider the effects of your simple request on... but I note that you grow more tense, and I have not infinite Time. Well, at least, you don't. Yes, many things are clear to me."
"Very well, let us dispence with the formalities, all pleasantries aside and pull to the light the murky depths of truth. You seek to know me better you say, to understand the wanderings of my mind. I cannot help but wonder if you truly know what you ask, but no matter, I will answer your inquiries, mundane and arcane. It gives me pleasure to have my words recorded for...posterity."
"And so we come to the crossroads of fate. What would you know of me, traveller? Where do we begin?"

"There are many things in my travels that I suppose may be of interest to you, even if I myself am done with them now.
You ask such simple questions; what do I like, what do I do, where do I go. Answers like those are fruitless if you truly seek to understand me - there are so many things I could say. And I would grow bored of such triviality...
Why do I come here? A fair question, that, but not a simple one. The technology? Heh. No, I do not come here for that, there are far better places for such things. This offends you? Ah, I see, you plan to publish this interview through your electronic network. Very well, you may do so. The scope and effect of such action is limited, as are all . . . no, that isn't important. Though, this place does amuse me, at times. Such a curious blend of progress and ignorance . . . such as? Let me illustrate my point. And I shall use your beloved Web to do so, would that amuse you?
Some of your weaponsmiths hold my interest. Surprised? Ah, but there are things besides swords that function many places, and even in those is craftsmanship to be found here of surpassing beauty. You never considered a weapon beautiful? Then consider these...
But if your tastes run to the, shall we say, exotic, there is always amusement supplied by the fringe element of your society. Have you heard of this place? The Explosive Contributions Site? It is...interesting. They of course provide copies of your Anarchist's Cookbook and Terrorist's Handbook, along with individual contributor's recipies...

But these are only physical things, toys. They divert, they entertain, but they do not fulfill. Toys for the mind, the spirit, are so much more...enlightening, yes? It is amusing to see, as well, how close you can come to the truth without ever touching it. Some of your self-appointed scholars and ritualistic suppliers have provided so many creative tidbits, offer deluges of items for enlightenment of the masses. Some of your self-styled magicians, shamans if you will, have provided places to share information and, teaching, such as it is. A few have actually sparked my interest...
Ritual and Magic Center, 'Wierd Stuff' Links, the Black Moon Web, and Forbidden Books. I find most to be somewhat entertaining, at least. But observing the seeking process can be, in itself, educational, in a vague way. Then again, there are the truly misled. I have found some to be seriously misguided in their practices and beliefs, even if they do worship me...

And then there is music. Ah, you did not know I enjoyed that art as well? There have been, through your ages, some inspired musicians here. I have a great appreciation of art and talent, you know. No, to name a favorite is, again, far too simple a question to answer. Some that I have enjoyed then? Very well, yes, there are some.
Your classical composers, such as Mozart and Bach, have displayed such power and depth. They haven't even been fully appreciated here. And there are more recent artists whom I have felt some attraction to. I recall a few who have, in some way, impressed themselves upon my memory. Perhaps you have heard of them yourself? Let me see, among them are
Syd Barrett,
Jim Morrison,
Martin Gore,
Smith, and of course the infamous Trent Reznor.

Of course, I would be most remiss not to mention art, perhaps my truest passion. Here your world rivals Amber herself in some ways - you have had artists without compare grace your lives.
Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, MC Escher, HR Giger; these are some of your finest, though never appreciated enough. And it is always interesting to see how the most inspired seem to attact followings that are small yet fanatical, almost cultist in nature. Yours is a facinating culture sometimes.
No, my young friend, I do not consider your 'television' a form of entertainment or art, though I'm sure your government leaders find it has it's...uses. Along with your cinema, no doubt. Now theatre, ah, there is a worthy performance artform. If only you hadn't taken it to such a ridiculous...
But I digress and the hour grows late. Enough simple prattle, I think you have what you came for. Enjoy browsing the, Websites, I have illuminated for you. You will excuse me of course, I have much to do and my time is so valuable.
Yes, certainly, you are welcome. Honored? Hm, well, I suppose you would feel that way. But I fear this interview is now at a close. Time and emphasis, all things in their place.
Goodnight then, and may your travels be...interesting.

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